Easy-Choice MPF – Download Corner
Offering Document
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BOCI-Prudential Trustee Company (“our Company”) found fraudulent websites which seek to pass off as our Company, and can be searched and accessed through internet search engines. Customers are advised to always stay vigilant about scams.
Please note that www.bocpt.com is the ONLY official website of our Company. We have not authorized any agent or third party to use any of our materials and trademarks to set up other websites. If you have any doubts, please contact our Customer Service Hotlines at 2929-3030/2929-3366 or email to mpf@bocpt.com for verification. Please click here for more security information.
Please read the Terms and Conditions on the Website before using any services available on the website and / or via telephone services (collectively, the “Services”). Your continued use of the Services will mean that you irrevocably and unconditionally accept and agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions as the same may be amended from time to time and any amendment to the Terms and Conditions shall be effective immediately upon posting on the Website.